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Lead Distribution: Finding the right balance between front loading and even pacing.

Published on 7 March, 2024 | Author: Digitalzone

In the intricate world of lead distribution strategies, front loading and even pacing don’t always have to arm wrestle for dominance. Instead, they can be more like dance partners, each showcasing their unique moves towards the same grand finale — a streamlined lead distribution that supercharges your business growth.  

If you aren’t familiar with these strategies, front loading is rapid-fire action that hits most leads at once, while even pacing is more like a smooth jazz rhythm, delivering leads consistently over time to keep the opportunity groove steady. 

But like two sides of a coin, front loading and even pacing offer different perspectives on lead distribution – each with its unique advantages and challenges. 

So – heads or tails?  

Before you commit, let’s dive into these strategies, comparing their pros and cons,  

The Dawn of a New Era: Front Loading Lead Distribution

Flashback to around 20 years ago, orgs were mostly concerned with two things: how to push start on a computer, and how to secure leads as fast as possible.  

During this race against the clock, front loading emerged as the top strategy since it quickly delivered results and proved ROI. In other words, front loading provided the instant gratification that businesses had always dreamed of. 

What is front loading in lead distribution?

Front loading is a go-to lead distribution strategy that involves pushing a large volume of leads at the beginning of a campaign or time period. 

Pros and Cons of front loading in lead distribution

Pros: Front loading can be a powerful method for ramping up sales growth because it focuses on generating more leads closer to a campaign start date. The strategy creates initial momentum that propels a campaign, often bringing early wins and a big boost in morale for a sales team. It also allows businesses to capitalize on opportunities swiftly, making it ideal for campaigns that are time-sensitive or centered around an event. 

Cons: Front loading  can lead to resource exhaustion early on, leaving little for other stages in the sales funnel. Moreover, the focus on quantity might overshadow the quality of leads – which can negatively affect your SQL conversion rates. 

Sailing Steady: Even Pacing 

Fast forward to the present day – where even pacing has gained traction as a compelling alternative to front loading.  

Major jumps in sales technology and research about the B2B buyer cycle revealed that taking a quality over quantity attitude to lead distribution can be even more effective over the long haul. 

What is even pacing lead distribution?

Even pacing lead distribution is the approach of advocating for a steady distribution of leads over a given period at a more consistent and sustainable pace. 

Pros and Cons of even pacing lead distribution

Pros: Even pacing offers a balanced take on lead distribution since it generates leads at a consistent pace within a campaign time range, preventing resource burnout. With this method, there’s less risk of overlooking potential prospects due to a rush in the initial stages. Even pacing also gives you time to gather data such as identifying if any leads belong to a buyer group, which can add another layer of personalization in your nurture. 

Cons: On the other hand, even pacing might not provide the immediate momentum that some campaigns require – especially time-sensitive campaigns that promote a seasonal product or event. It also involves careful planning and execution to ensure a steady flow of leads, which could be resource-intensive if it’s not carefully managed.  

Making The Right Choice 

The question isn’t about which lead distribution strategy is superior, but rather, which one aligns with your organization’s objectives and resources.  

Front Loading or Even Pacing: Which one is right for your business?

Businesses seeking a quick start and a high volume of leads at once should consider front loading strategies, while even pacing suits orgs looking for a sustainable, long-term approach to lead gen that results in highly-qualified leads (HQLs). 

Remember though, choosing between front loading and even pacing isn’t a binary decision.  

You can always mix the two methods to create a custom approach where you control when you want more or less leads generated within a time range.  

Well, it’s actually more about understanding the dynamics of your campaign, the nature of your audiences, and the capacity of your sales team.  

With a lead pacing calculator, you can easily determine which lead distribution strategy to use – or how to combine both – to get the results you want.  

This tool can help you get to grips with the ebbs and flows of your campaign, like your daily lead gen average or the remaining number of days for generating leads to meet your goals. It gives a constant birds-eye view to data and it allows you to pinpoint when a shift in strategy must be made. 


In the grand scheme of lead distribution, front loading and even pacing are not rivaling methods but allies. They represent different paths to the same destination – efficient lead distribution that drives growth.  

Take a step back, assess your needs, and move forward with a lead distribution plan that resonates with the rhythm of your business.